Phone rings.
MrsD looks at the name identifier and picks up the 'phone,
'Hello Mum'
'How did you know it was me?'
'It says so on the 'phone. Remember?'
'Oh that's clever, wish ours did that....'
'It does.....'
'Never mind that.....I've got my carer now!'
'That's good.....What are they like?'
'Oh, he's lovely, looks a bit like that detective off the telly...'
'What detective off the telly? The Midsomer Murders bloke?'
'No, the bald know him..... the bald one....'
'Don't know any bald detectives....' MrsD says, not thinking the reference might be years old,
'The bald one with the lollipop....Kodiak.... Kodiak, you know him.... with the lollipop.Greek man, Kodiak'
'Kodiak? You mean Kojak...?' MrsD says,
The 'phone is put down but still online and MrsD can hear Mum shout,
'Alf, what's the name of the bald detective?'
'Kojak' Alf replies.
Mum picks up the 'phone,
'Oh yes' MrsD answers, 'Is he nice this bald bloke....?' MrsD asks,
'Oh yes, he's lovely. Got a lovely head of curly hair.....'
'You just said he was like Kojak, Kojak was bald....'
'No... his brother, Kodiaks brother, the short fat one, his brother, the one with the black curly hair....he's a lot like him....'
MrsD was at this point in paroxysms of laughter and going red faced with it and tried to hand me the 'phone......
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