"Two bottles of water please." Or my protracted attempt to communicate that request in Auldham (Oldham).
I went to my niece’s wedding in Oldham a few years back and it being a warm day I was feeling thirsty. I ventured out into the wide world from the church venue to buy a couple of bottles of cold water for my wife and myself. Little did I know what problems such an innocuous pursuit would bring me. I found a sandwich shop with such dubious items as ‘Filled Barm Cakes’ advertised in the window. Glancing in their shop window they had bottled water in a chiller cabinet. Why I had to check first I know not. Did ‘they’ drink water in Oldham? I breezed in and joined the short queue. My turn to be served came, the shop was empty save for me and the few assistants. “Can I have two bottles of water please?” The assistant froze and stared blankly back at me, “Eh?” was all she could manage in reply. Thinking my English was lacking I corrected myself, “May I have two small bottles of water please?” I helpfully pointed to the bottled water in the chill...