The Lady Aquarian:
A jumper
knitted by a parent or relative blights your weekend attire and wardrobe. Day
time TV greatly influences your sex life; however work colleague buys you a subscription to Lady magazine. Increasingly your left hand will not know what the right hand
is doing.
New shoes might be the answer to your mumbled prayers on Wednesday.
the Aquarian worker a tidy income can be gained by using your expenses claim
wisely. A
curry with your Scrabble team ends in arrest for one or more of the
team. Your Findus frozen TV Dinner meal collection will bring
big rewards on e-bay soon! Look sharp!
A friend of the family hints that you are a fool at at a Silver Wedding celebration.
warts could blight your Blitz spirit!
A dog will look at you sideways
soon; ignore this and move on with your life.
The electronic music of Adele lifts your spirits on Tuesdays as it is a bootleg copy.
Taffeta is your fabric of choice this Easter!
A bag of chocolate ants melts when you put them on the dashboard of the car. A
finger of fudge is just enough, you find.
A loved one regales you with inappropriate or illegal underwear however a new Damart catalogue plays a large part in your decision to have chicken for dinner.
A loved one regales you with inappropriate or illegal underwear however a new Damart catalogue plays a large part in your decision to have chicken for dinner.
A close friend will
ask you to hide some money; but you are tempted to buy new trainers with it as she can't prove you have it.
fur stole or Mink coat is left to you in a will.
A night out with the girls is a
pleasant distraction from your yeast infection; but be careful of passing it on to a one night stand or a wash stand.
A girlfriend uses your lipstick
and gives you herpes.
The music of Genesis greatly boosts your love life.
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