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Showing posts from March, 2019

A Nation Of Revolting Shopkeepers

The Nation of Revolting Shopkeepers. A General Election was called on 12th December 2019 in the wake of constant defeats for the Conservative government. They threw in the towel and admitted defeat in trying to broker an acceptable Brexit deal. A majority anti-EU government was returned: they were The Guardians Of Brexit party. The 48/52 divide had become 30/70. The Guardians Of Brexit stormed into power; standing with the slogan: "We'll see off Johnny Foreigner. Vote for The Guardians of Brexit." They secured a landslide result like Thatcher or Blair many years before them. The UK population was sick of Brexit and had voted for what they perceived was a decisive government that would secure them a speedy exit from the European Union they so wanted. Many of the first referendum voters had thought the UK was instantly out of the EU the very day after the vote on the 23 rd of June 2016 and resented this election, only the really motivated anti EU voters mob

My Shadow Walked Away From Me

My shadow walked away from me I saw it go away and I said nothing Hoping that it would return After a brief, lonely, sojourn Return to make the same moves as me In a hope to attract it back I tried standing in a lambent light Then I stood in the bright summer sun It wouldn’t come back in any way Neither black or grey Or to darken any colour underneath me Whatever I did it would not come back To stand before, beneath or behind me I turned on a table lamp Hoping not to frighten it away The softer light I vainly hoped May coax my shadow back I stood waiting for hours It did not appear As I switched off the lamp I thought I saw it fleetingly It was but my cat curious of me Now how can I leave the house Without someone else to shadow me Without my shadow to follow me Or walk ahead or behind as he often did His legs joined mine at the feet His arms joined my arms His fingers joined mine in every small action His head turned and nod

Servants Are So Hard to Come By Nowdays.

I will let blood with an unending flow Purify the lands and soak the sands Of places we need never go We will always be here and falling Bidden by your calling Drink with us when thirsty For each of you will fall like snow. Joseph Arthur ‘All The Old Heroes’ Servants Are So Hard To Come By Nowdays. It was 8:30 in the morning at the BT depot in Barnsley. Kev and Sid had a mug of tea and then gathered their tools together and headed for the job distribution board in the main foyer of the depot. Sid took the job sheet down that was under their day schedule and looked at it. “Looks like a couple of jobs today. Mind you I have something else here….” Sid paused and looked at Kev who remained expressionless and just nodded. “We’ve got a foreigner, if you’re interested. In Gawber Road, Kev. Picked it last night on my email. It’s probably some old dear, a switch off and switch it on job and fifty quid the richer. Just a thought, that sounds li