The Nation of Revolting
General Election was called on 12th December 2019
in the wake of constant defeats for the Conservative government. They
threw in the towel and admitted defeat in trying to broker an
acceptable Brexit deal.
majority anti-EU government was returned: they were The Guardians Of
Brexit party. The 48/52 divide had become 30/70. The Guardians Of
Brexit stormed into power; standing with the slogan:
"We'll see off Johnny Foreigner. Vote for The Guardians of Brexit."
secured a landslide result like Thatcher or Blair many years
before them.
UK population was sick of Brexit and had voted for what they
perceived was a decisive government that would secure them a speedy
exit from the European Union they so wanted. Many of the first
referendum voters had thought the UK was instantly out of the EU the
very day after the vote on the 23rd of June 2016 and
resented this election, only the really motivated anti EU voters
mobilised themselves to vote this time. Even amongst the Remain camp,
voters were becoming really disenchanted with the process and stayed at
home. Labour voters voted tactically for other parties and so did many remain Tories.
days of the election all foreign lorries were halted at Dover and
other ports by sympathetic Port Police and Customs Officers. The
Guardians no longer wanted to be dependent on foreign goods and food.
All food from now on would be great British fare and nothing else.
The lorries were made to u-turn without unloading their goods. It was
technically an illegal act, but the Guardians cared little for namby
pamby EU driven legalities.
first act of the new government was to enact the ‘Migrant (Foreign)
Workers Expulsion Bill 2019’. It was passed with no opposition,
there was no opposition anyway. Opposition parties were immediately
disbanded by an Act of Parliament.
the Act all foreign worker’s were to be reported or delivered to
the authorities for immediate expulsion. It was now a crime to employ
anyone other than a UK citizen. The Act was really a sop to please
the voters as nearly all the migrants workers had packed up and left
anyway: They knew they weren’t welcome in the new Brexit Britain.
the newly ennobled Lord Nigel Farage GBE, Knight Grand Cross, was
being driven to his new residence in Chequers Theresa May and Jeremy
Corbyn were being dragged from their constituency homes and hanged from
lamp posts by emboldened Brexiteers. The photos of their battered
bodies were published on SnapChat, Facebook and Instagram. The
Guardians made no comment on that act save for mealy mouthed
condemnation of it as an ‘act of the voter exercising their
coves and on beaches on the south coast a flotilla of small boats
were secretly organising and gathering. The terrified remnants of the
official opposition all left the UK on that flotilla. The boats could
secretly slip under the north sea radar. When they were landed on the
coast of France the politicians scattered across Europe and took up
residence in their villas in Spain, Umbria and Switzerland. They
announced that it was better to fight from outside the UK now due to
the overwhelming government hostility to them.
few migrant workers were delivered into the hands of the Police, to
what fate no one asked, others were dealt with locally. The
lynchings of ‘foreigns’ wasn’t actively discouraged, merely
tutted at by The Guardians and Brexit Police. There was a strange
fruit hanging from the trees in the virulent, active Brexit voting
all the foreign workers left, or were deported, fields of vegetables
were abandoned to rot as there was no-one remaining to harvest them.
The only crops being uplifted were by mechanical means, even then the
quality suffered because the rotten produce couldn’t be picked out
before packing. Packing the vegetables mostly didn’t happen either
as all the workers that did those jobs had left Brexit Britain months
ago. Farmers worked into the night trying to fulfil orders for the
big supermarkets. They often failed. A few farmers saw no future in
Brexit Britain, despite voting for it and took their own lives.
stocks of potatoes and root vegetables became depleted the voters
became restless and angry. Walkers crisps closed their factory doors
as they had no potatoes to fry. Chip shops closed as they only had
fish. The whole UK way of life began to suffer. There was no cake to
eat either as the flour had already run out.
shocking shortages brought the voters out onto the streets in a
tumult of small riots.
started to appear on walls, all over the UK.
Guardians suspected Remainers to have instigated that campaign, their
core voters were more interested in expelling Roma and Gypsies than
making political statements.
light of the sudden reality and insurrection the Guardians hastily
formed a rag tag Police Force made up of English Defence League
supporters and other house trained thugs. They no longer had a Chief
of Police in office as Cressida Dick had been arrested and imprisoned
for speaking out against Brexit. Droves of Metropolitan Police
officers resigned in protest after her arrest and imprisonment. The
Guardians cared little for that futile act; they had the Brexit
Police to rely on now.
Brexit Police were armed by The Guardians ‘to protect the
leadership’ was the reason given for this un-British act. They soon
started patrolling, strutting, around the streets often just randomly
attacking passers by for being a ‘suspected Remainer’.
amongst all this the Guardians were flailing around trying to
anglicise every known thing. There were glaring errors in almost
every attempt to do so. It hadn’t occurred to Guardians that tea,
that great British staple, was an import, a huge shipment of it was
on the lorries turned back at Dover. They rapidly commissioned Brooke
Bond to invent an ersatz tea from ingredients that could be only
sourced in the UK. They had to keep their voters happy. Brooke Bond
tried acorns and Leylandii at first. The former was too coffee like
the latter too pine flavoured. Then they settled on seizing all the
Camellias in the UK and trying to convert them. It didn’t work.
Tea rapidly became a scarce commodity. Quite quickly the sight of tea
bags being hung on washing lines to dry out became a common sight.
What also rose was the theft of those teabags from washing lines.
to say it didn’t take very long for fake tea to be flown into the
UK by smugglers. A few voters died after drinking the fake tea but
the market thrived; it filled a vital need.
new government had a fire in their belly: They were gong to deliver a
real Brexit proper and rid the UK of doubters and ne’er do wells.
to that effect between May 2019 and early 2022 they compiled a list
of Remainers; the real enemy. They got most, if not all, the names
from Google, Twitter and Facebook; the Anti-Brexit lobby had been
vociferous on all those platforms. All three organisations were
ordered to supply the names to the Guardians. At first they refused
to do so but were persuaded by another tranche of tax breaks. The tax
breaks came if they played ball. They did. All the Anti-Brexit posts
from 2016 and earlier were analysed by an algorithm; the names of the
account holders were gleaned and sold on to the Guardians. The
Guardians had also got the names from the polling station returns,
the voting slips had been kept in Town Halls all over the country in
case the EU disputed the results and sent in an inspection team.
Teams of eager Guardian supporters, the GOBS, Guardians of Brexit
Supporters. They were a self named group, so named because they
spoke up when Britain was being invaded by Workshy Foreigners. The
GOBS assiduously matched the voting slips to the registered voter
records and compiled a list of the Remain subversives.
March the 28th 2022 a list of the subversives was passed
to the Brexit Police.
shops began to run out of food that had a long shelf life and the
riots begun again. Because the Guardians had now stopped all imports
of foreign food in any form the shops had very quickly ran out of
basic foodstuffs.
voters hadn’t expected the shortages to be so prolonged. They had
relied on the Guardians steering the UK back into how it had been
before the EU stuck its oars in and its snout in the trough.
grown vegetables of all sorts, not just potatoes, were amongst the
first commodity to go. The UK didn’t have enough growers to supply
the huge demand. Salad crops disappeared in a less than a day. The
Guardians sagely proposed that farmers could erect poly tunnels to
grow salad crops. The farmers protested against that proposition,
they couldn’t supply root vegetables fast enough, let alone supply
salad crops. Even when the vegetables and other crops were ready for
harvesting they had no one to take them in. The Guardians had little
idea of how to supply a nation with food. If it meant hardship then
so be it; they were delivering the people’s mandate.
food riots were small patchy affairs in some places and huge running
battles in other parts of the country.
Guardians of Brexit were taken aback by the ferocity of the riots.
They were delivering what the people had asked for: autonomy from the
EU. What had the people to complain about?
Guardians immediately instructed the Brexit Police to crush the
rioters even if that meant using their weapons. They were delivering
the mandate that they had been given by the people. If that meant a
painful ride they couldn’t soften that blow.
one day in July 2021 247 rioters across the UK were shot dead. All
were just people trying to get some food from the shops. The Brexit
Police showed no discretion or mercy; they shot into the crowds
killing men, women and children.
after this atrocity the water shortages started because the foreign
owned companies were expelled from the UK soon after the party took
power. The Guardians were now in charge of the water companies. They
had little idea of how a water company ran. It didn’t take long for
standpipes to appear on the streets of the UK. It didn’t take long
for the local aquifers to be exhausted as well and the supply of
local bottled water dried up. The Guardians then had to ban the
brewers from making any beer and negotiated a deal with the
Australian brewing industry. It went outside their ethos of
everything UK made but Brexit voters liked the beers from Australia.
The Australians had stood by us in our hour of need and would stand
by us now.
the electricity cuts began. The Guardians had expelled all the
foreign owners and taken over the energy companies. They had little
idea as to how to run an energy provider. Soon electricity supplies
were limited to less than 8 hours a day across the UK. All the power
generators across the UK were requisitioned by the Guardians for
their offices and homes. They, after all, had a job to do.
the gas shortages started because the main suppliers and the Russian
Gazprom were expelled from the UK. The sale of bottled gas cookers
and heaters went up until the supply ran out. Most of them were made
in Turkey or the EU so couldn’t be imported. The Guardians wanted a
self sufficient nation even if that meant hardship for some.
the petrol pumps began to run dry as the foreign imports from Holland
ceased to flow. The Guardians had expelled all the foreign owned
petrol expediters. The UK could get its oil from the north sea they
maintained. They had little idea how to run a petrol company. A litre
of unleaded now cost £5; cars were being abandoned on streets and
motorways every day.
Guardians were delivering Brexit as voted for by the British people.
the riots really took hold. Thousands of people flooded on to the
streets in protest against all the cuts and hardships they were
having to endure.
Brexit Police crushed those riots with a brutality never before seen
on UK soil. The Police opened fire at every opportunity. They had the
power now. Hundreds died or where badly injured. The hospitals that
remained open couldn’t cope. The Guardians condemned the rioters
and blamed Anti-Brexiteers and Remainers for inciting the riots. They
made no comment on their police force’s conduct.
wasn’t until March the 30th 2022 that the mass arrests
of Remainers started.
Guardians blamed the Remainers for stirring up hatred and opposition.
They weren’t wrong in that assertion: the Remainers had worked hard
at stirring up a backlash against the leave vote. They had a pirate
radio station that kept up a dialogue of anti Brexit propaganda. They
called it Radio Gob Off. Their main broadcaster was called Roger
Remain, he recorded anti- Brexit broadcasts with a different theme
every day.
is Radio Remain, the Rolls Royce of Remain Radio Stations. Do you
remember when we used to drink tea? I do. Do you remember when a nice
corned beef sandwich with a bag of crisps used to be an everyday
thing? Wouldn’t it be lovely to go back to those days? Is this
government the one you thought that you had voted for? I thought not.
Rise up and demand that they hand over power to the people who can
give you those things back. Become a Remainer, Return the Remainers,
you know it makes sense. Sleep tight, Don’t let the Brexit Police
Brexit Police tried to shut down the station at every opportunity
using ex BBC jamming and tracking equipment. If and when they were
found the DJs were hung with the wires that they had used to set up
the station. There was no trial, they were just summarily executed by
the Brexit Police.
Brexit Police took on the job of seeking out Remainers with utter
relish. They hated the Remain scum. How dare they insist that the UK
was better off being fleeced by the corrupt EU. It was all lies, the
NHS was 350 million pounds a week better off now. The Guardians told
their voters that foreign companies were now withholding drugs and
not supplying them to the UK. They insisted too that we manufacture
the drugs, good UK made drugs. However as before the Guardians had
expelled the foreign drug companies and taken over their operations
not long after taking power. They accused the companies of ripping
off the NHS and overcharging their voters. They had little idea of
how to run a drug supply company, let alone how to make the drugs.
didn’t take long for fakes to flood the market via China and
Romania in air drops at remote areas of the UK. Some planes got shot
down by the Police but the monetary rewards were worth the loss of a
plane and every pilot’s death to the smugglers.
time the schools began to close for hours every week as they ran out
of materials to teach the children with. Parents were trying to buy
books and then eventually relied on electronic means but only if they
already owned a computer. The children who couldn’t afford
computers fell behind and began to truant. Most of the text books in
schools were printed and bought from within the EU. The Guardians had
little idea how to supply books and materials to schools. They had
expelled the foreign owners of school supply companies. They wanted
children to be taught using UK sourced materials and books.
the new UK the Guardians had no want or need of foreign intervention.
They were making the UK self sufficient in every aspect of life.
Guardians then proposed that all citizens would be issued with a blue
passport to bring the nation together again in the Blitz spirit. It
was, they persuaded the voters, going to be like in the old days
before the EU imposed the red passport on the voters. They didn’t
reveal that it would be totally useless as an actual passport as the
EU no longer routinely accepted UK citizens for travel. It could take
3 to 6 months to gain a visa to any of the EU countries now; there
was also a £500 exit and entry fee to find: The reasoning being that
there was no need to travel abroad anymore. The blue passport was
more an identity card substitute that the Brexit Police and the
Guardians could control the people with. The Guardians had sneaked
that aspect in, after all identity cards had been rejected by the UK
population years before.
March the 30th 2022 the raids and arrests proper started.
In one day over 2 thousand Remain voters were arrested and detained.
A few hundred or more were shot dead after ‘resisting arrest’.
The death toll figures were withheld or not known because who really
cared about a dead Remainer?
Daily Mail started a campaign for the voters to stand shoulder to
shoulder with the Brexit Police against the Remainers under the
headline: Cowardly Remainers Attack Our Police Again.
arrested Remain scum were sent to prisons and institutions across the
UK to be re-educated in the way of the UK. Some of the Remainers were
sent to farms across the UK to become crop pickers and packers; that
was to be their re-education. It made no difference whether the
arrested were teachers, doctors or university lecturers they all got
the same treatment: prison and re-education. The re-education in
prisons usually consisted of starvation and beatings; these Remainers
could not be allowed back on the streets. There was now no such thing
as society.
arrests continued unabated without stopping to assess or take into
account the bulging prison populations.
scum were off the streets now, that’s all that mattered.
minority majority had got their wish, they had got their country
multi national corporations were harmed during the composition of the
above story. All facts are a twisted fiction and cannot be
corroborated or proved.
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